Thursday, July 15, 2010

Eon Rise of the Dragoneye

This book is about a boy who is a Moon Shadow named Eon. He is a candidate who wants to be chosen by the Rat Dragoneye, Lord Ido, to be his apprentice and be trained in the dragon arts. Even though Eon is not chosen as Ido's apprentice, he is chosen by the long lost dragon who hasn't been around for 500 years chooses Eon as the Mirror Dragoneye. But this isn't the end as Ido tries to destroy the Dragoneye council and take the power of the "String of Pearls" and take over. And the only person who can stop him is Eon. But to add on to the problem, Eon needs to find his dragon's name and save humanity as one by one, each Dragoneye dies. Can Eon find his dragon's name and stop Ido from taking over? Read the book to find out.

- Merton

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read this and see what Edo's dragon name is. This is a great retell.
    Ms. Nelson
