This book is about a boy called Tom who goes on a quest to kill and save beasts. He has a horse called Storm and a good friend called Elenna. She has a pet wolf called Sliver. The beasts that they killed so far is Zepha,Claw,Soltra,Vipero,Arachnid,Trillion,Torgor,Skor,Naga,Kaymon,Tusk,
Sting,Nixa,Equinus,Rashouk,Luna,Blaze and Stealth. {Those are beasts names.} The beasts that have been freed from Tom and Elenna is Ferno,Sepron, Arcta, Tagus,Nanook,Epos, Krabb, Hawkite, Rokk and Koldo. {Those are also the names of the beasts.} This book is very enjoyable to me because it has a lot of action and a lot of looking for things. Will Tom be able to save Gwildor? Or will he turn his back on his quest?
I really want to read this book now Danny. I wonder that if Tom is going to save Gwildor. Thanks for writing this book review Danny!!
who is Gwildor?